The Saga
I'm climbing on my soapbox for this one. I hit my limit last week of stupid responses people have when they find out I had an emergency hysterectomy in December. The most common is "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry" but it's always followed by "You must be so crushed about not being able to have kids now." Every time someone adds that, I want to immediately set things on fire and steal little kid's balloons. It can really set the tone for the rest of my day. Let me tell you why! It's about to get real. I have never in my life had a normal period. Ever. Even since I was a kid, they were downright awful. I think they put me on every single birth control available to womankind. Nothing worked. I was in the ER for cysts, internal bleeding, holes in my uterus and of course that one time that they were convinced I was hiding a pregnancy at 18. It was humiliating. I would have actual pouches of blood that made me look pregnant. It ruined many horse shows, ...