It Takes a Village to Raise an Ali
I was taking a toasty hot shower tonight since it was freezing cold today and I was chilled to the core. I glanced around at the menagerie of items that fill up every nook and cranny of my shower and it reminded me of the people I'm surrounded by. Each item has it's own important use and needs to be there much like the people in my life. All the friends I have in my circle serve their own purpose-some friends are comforters, others force you to be stronger, some are always ready to go out and have fun, a few know all of your secrets and a very slim few know all of your weaknesses and ugly sides. The beauty of friends and relationships with people is that they age like a fine wine when tended to properly. And I sure do like wine. Friendships need to be maintained much like house plants do. Except I do an absolute shit job keeping succulents alive. However I have a theory on that- Brace yourself.
Succulents provide zero fruit and are therefor more decorative than anything. Hence forgetting water.
Vegetable gardens yield tons of fruit every summer and I have plenty to share with everyone.
So that being that-my pathetic succulents are like the people that come and go or don't jive with your vibe in life. I tend to let those relationships come and go much like when I remember to water said plants. It makes no difference to me if it survives my level of neglect or not. I can always buy more for $1.99 at Walmart and repeat the vicious cycle. Let's be real, my plants have to be able to get by on a little less love if they wanna make it in the Kuhn household. However, my vegetables are my core peeps. The cucumbers that get watered regularly, flourish and grow. They don't require much maintenance once they get going and are happy go lucky no matter the weather or if they get the weeds pulled out around them or left. Seeming to say "Don't worry about us, get us some water when it's convenient, happy day!' These are my kind of people. They grow and excel on their own, but being part of your day makes them better. I have many cucumbers in my life. Now that I have compared my awesome friends to cucumbers, where was I going with this...? Ah yes, my garden.
Let me tell you about the cool cucumbers surrounding me that help shape the Ali you see today.
My first friend is vulnerable, yet fiercely loyal and strong and competitive as hell kind of like the summer cucumbers. Whether or not she knows it, she challenges me ride better every time I see her because I KNOW she's watching me. She slightly scares the shit out of me, but I'll never tell!
My next veggie is bold and brave like a radish. but has a cautious side she lets get the best of her sometimes. She teaches me to change my teaching style and shapes me as an instructor to help students on their toughest of days. I'm slowly getting more flexible at it.
My third vegetable is a bright ass tomato. She's loud on the outside but has a softness to her on the inside. She can be part of anything and make herself comfortable in that place. She has no limits but she isn't stupid either. She teaches me to push beyond my comfort zone.
A carrot would describe my next one. Meaning that beneath the surface is the best parts. On the outside she may seem quiet but there's always something great just beyond what you see. She hides in her shell a lot but she's got so much to offer and she's a wonderful listener. I aspire to listen and really hear when others speak. It's not my strength, but it's a construction zone.
This next one is an acorn squash. She's unique and beautiful, her confidence comes and go but she's steady and strong in her demeanor. She never loses her cool, but she's always thinking of what's next. She teaches me to be better on my own feet and to keep my head no matter what.
Ironically my next one is a string bean, and if you knew who she was, you would laugh. I say that because when things are going well, damn does this one thrive! She can't be stopped and you have to catch up to how fast she learns and grows. But when things are tough, she likes to beat up on herself and get down trodden. This veggie keeps me on my toes and always finding fresh ideas.
Of course Lucas is the ultimate veggie. He has to play husband, friend, cheerleader, picker off the grounder, horse show groom, sound board and confidant. He's the vegetable of all trades if you will. He's the one that gets to hear me rant and rave about how something went that day or when I absolutely rave about a lesson student that killed it that day. He always smiles. God he's a saint. I can bore that boy to tears but he's just happy to get a hug at the end of it and be part of my moment. He shapes me the most. He forces me to be resilient.I could talk for hours and hours about my friends. I just have so many unique ones. They check in on frequently on those shit days when I don't want to participate in life activities that day but they also are happy to go out and get a drink and relive the days when one of us fell off a horse doing something stupid. Obviously most of my people ride horses because crazies seek crazies. Like mindedness and all. No matter the time or the weather, they are always near. Bringing me coffee when I'm pulling at 14 hour day or a margarita after running a hot horse show. Or even a hug that I will inevitably hate but also need.
So if I was dishing out good advice, I'd say surround yourself with some quality veggies. But what do I know? I just a horse girl who sometimes waters the cucumbers.
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